Friday, June 26, 2009
Where is Truthisgold These Days?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

(347) 826-9588
The Dame & Drkate
for Another Edition of
Constitutional Radio
Prix Fixe
News du Jour
Protest, Protest, Protest!
Firing of IG Walpin
Tea Parties on the March
Electoral College bypass approved by 2d state
Letterman's Lapse
Iran Election Protest
& other gems...
Monday, June 15, 2009
It's All About The Dame Truth
Hoping you'll all be joining us for tonight's edition of The Dame Truth at 8 EST to speak The Dame Truth and help it survive main stream media. Tonight will feature a news wrap and discussion and recognition of one of our intrepid researchers, Nancy Armstrongt, who graced the Glenn Beck show this evening! She was there from the beginning, on May 31, 2008 and traveled the country throughout the election cycle including the Denver Debacle, as the 2008 Democratic Convention is now called.
And so the Beat goes on. A highly agitated message from what appeared to be an Obamabot was not posted here, as we will not entertain uncivil commentary, but it is interesting to note that the objection was lodged against the "Just When You Thought You'd Heard It All" piece which exposed some of the less than stellar intellectual abilities of Obama appointees. The poster was adamant that we utilize factcheck.com, the known leftist propaganda machine "information" site to debunk the content but was obviously completely unaware of the ties that site has to the Obama political machine.
Among the issues covered tonight will be The Dame Truth about Investigator General Gerald Walpin, who was fired Wednesday, contrary to Congress rules requiring presidential firings to give congress 30 days notice and a clear reason for the firing. Walpin was doing his job and in the course of his investigation, learned that Obama chum Kevin Johnson of NBA fame was misusing funds and having Americorp workers wash his car and run errands. The White House told him to resign or be fired and he refused, only to be fired without cause. The letter dismissing his stated that Obama had "lost faith in him." He appeared on FOX's Glenn Beck tonight as Beck, with his usual aplomb, reminded mainstream media to try something new: do their job.
See you all later!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Honor Our Flag...and Fire Letterman!

Resolved, that the Flag of the thirteen United States shall be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the Union be thirteen stars, white on a blue field, representing a new constellation. June 14, 1777, Journals of the Continental Congress.Since 1916, when President Woodrow Wilson issued a presidential proclamation establishing a national Flag Day on June 14, Americans have commemorated the adoption of the Stars and Stripes by celebrating June 14 as Flag Day. Prior to 1916, many localities and a few states had already been celebrating the day. Congressional legislation designating that date as the national Flag Day was signed into law by President Harry Truman in 1949 and called upon the president to issue a flag day proclamation every year.
So fly those flags high, everyone, and remember from whence they came, and what they stand for, lest we forgot as the onslaught of outrage continues. People have died for this flag, and continue to do so nearly every day.
This flag has come to symbolize more than a sovreignty, a Constitution, a Bill of Rights, or a Republic, although it does stand for all those things. It has also come to be a symbol that espouses human rights and eschews fascism, socialism and communism. In that respect, I urge everyone to continue to remain active in protesting CBS and David Letterman's unacceptable attitude toward women and children by going to http://firedavidletterman.com . Once revered and protected [Remember Titanic: "women and children first"], women and children are now fair game for dirty politics, small minded talk show hosts and media people with agenda.
Contact michaelpatrickleahy@gmail.com or twitter him on www.twitter.com/michaelpleahy.
Attend the rally tomorrow in front of the Ed Sullivan theater in N.Y. at 4:30 PM EST and contact the sponsors listed below. Tell them that you, your friends and family will not patronize their products until David Letterman is fired and off the air.
Main number: 212-975-4321
Les Moonves, President and CEO � CBS, 212-975-4545, lmoonves@cbs.com
Nina Tassler, President � CBS Entertainment, 323-575-2747, nina.tassler@cbs.com
Mike Nelson, VP Communications, 818-655-2156, mjnelson@cbs.com
CBS Television Studios
Main number: 212-975-4321
Les Moonves, President and CEO � CBS, 212-975-4545, lmoonves@cbs.com
Nina Tassler, President � CBS Entertainment, 323-575-2747, nina.tassler@cbs.com
Mike Nelson, VP Communications, 818-655-2156, mjnelson@cbs.com
CBS Television Studios
Kim Sartori, Director Communications, 818-655-7221, kim.sartori@cbs.com
Companies who run TV ads during the show
Johnson & Johnson (Listerine and KY Brand)
Main Number: 1-888-222-0182 (Johnson & Johnson Healthcare Products)
Kristina Chang, Public Relations, 973-385-4370, kchang12@conus.jnj.com Steve Schonberg, Edelman PR, 212-704-4494, stephen.schonberg@edelman.com
Old Navy (Parent company is Gap Inc) Main Number: 650-952-4400 Nicole Bender, Public Relations, 415-832-2889, nicole_bender@gap.com
Kellogg�s (Mini-Wheats)
Main Number: 1-800-962-1413 (Consumer Affairs)
Allison Costello, Ketchum PR, 412-456-3741, allison.costello@ketchum.com
Southwest Airlines Main Number: 214-792-4847 (Public Relations)
Gary Kelly, CEO, 214-792-4000, gary.kelly@wnco.com
Ginger Hardage, SVP Culture & Communications, 214-792-6924, ginger.hardage@wnco.com
Linda Rutherford, VP Communications, 214-792-4625, linda.rutherford@wnco.com
Olive Garden
Main Number: 1-800-331-2729 (Guest Relations)
John Caron, Executive VP Marketing, jcaron@olivegarden.com
Grey Advertising (their ad agency), 212-546-2083
Other National Advertisers:
June 11 -Touchstone Pictures (Disney), Samsung, T-Mobile, Microsoft, Chase Bank, Pfizer (Zyrtec), Wyeth (Centrum Vitamins), Ford, Lexus, Mazda and Saturn (in addition to several of the above)
June 10 � DirecTV, MetLife, Amica, AT&T, Samsung, Verizon, Chase Bank, Aventis (Actonel), Merck (Pepcid), Pfizer (Zyrtec), Wyeth (Centrum Vitamins), Honda, Kia, Lexus, Lincoln and Toytota (in addition to several of the above)
Cabela�s, Home Depot, Crate & Barrel, Neiman Marcus (details coming)
Lancome (Parent company is L�Oreal)
Carol Hamilton, President � Luxury Products, chamilton@us.loreal.com
Rebecca Caruso, Public Relations, 212-984-4894, rcaruso@us.loreal.com
Suzie Davidowitz, Public Relations, 212-984-4105, sdavidowitz@us.loreal.com
John Frieda (Kao Brands)
Main Number: 513-421-1400 or 800-521-3189
Lee-Ann Silver, Public Relations, 203-353-5100, leeann.silver@kaobrands.com
Electronic Arts
Main Number: 650-628-1500
David Tinson, Director Communications, 650-628-5189, dtinson@ea.com
Jen Riley, PR Manager, 604-456-5081, jriley@ea.com
M&M�s (Mars Candy)
Main Number: 800-627-7852 (confections), 800-696-6788 (m&m�s)
Paul S. Michaels, President, paul.michaels@effem.com
Michele Kessler, VP Mars Snackfood US, michele.kessler@effem.com
Ryan Bowling, Media Relations, 908-850-2396, ryan.bowling@effem.com
Best Western
UPDATE: Best Western Continues to insist that they do not advertise on Letterman. The fact is, Best Western authorized someone to create banner ads and pay for their placement on the CBS.com website; as a result, they are showing up on the Late Show�s pages (I have screen shots of two different ads from multiple days this week). If
Best Western is unhappy with the negative publicity, perhaps they should not advertise online via CBS.
Main Number: 602-957-4200
Bonnie McPeake, Chairwoman, bonnie.mcpeake@bestwestern.com
Troy Rutman, Public Relations, 602-957-5668, troy.rutman@bestwestern.com
Main Number: 408-376-7400
John Donahoe, President & CEO, jdonahoe@ebay.com
Alan Marks, SVP Corporate Communications, amarks@ebay.com
Joe Mallabo, Media Relations, 408-376-7458, jmallabo@ebay.com
Tammy Cyphert, Director Intel Americas, tammy.l.cyphert@intel.com
Nancy Bhagat, VP Marketing, nancy.bhagat@intel.com
Bill Mueller, Public Affairs Manager, william.h.mueller@intel.com
Mark Templin, CEO, Lexus, mark_templin@toyota.com
Bill Ussery, PR Manager, 310-468-3282, bill_ussery@toyota.com
Julie Alfonso, Public Relations, 310-468-4625, julie_alfonso@toyota.com
Greg Thome, Public Relations, 310-468-3279, greg_thome@toyota.com
Craig Taguchi, Public Relations, 310-468-3282, craig_taguchi@toyota.com<
Capital One
UPDATE: A commenter on Hillbuzz states that Capitol One is trying to remove their ads
Steve Schoof, Public Relations, 972-295-1676, stephen.schoof@capitalone.com
Tatiana Stead, Media Relations, 703-720-2352, tatiana.stead@capitalone.com
Julie Rakes, Media Relations, 804-284-5800, julie.rakes@capitalone.com
Diana Don, Media Relations, 212-580-0161, diana.don@capitalone.com
Embassy Suites
UPDATE: Ms. Ray states the company has pulled their ads from CBS.com websites
John Lee, VP Brand Marketing and Communications, john.lee@hilton.com
Dawn Ray, Public Relations, 901-374-5954, dawn.ray@hilton.com
Thanks to everyone, and thanks to Betsy Ross and our Framers, and to all those who have sacrificed for our Flag and our Country. Thanks to all who continue to work to make it all it should be, and to preserve and protect it from enemies within and without.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Wise Word From Doctorate

BCC: ecampaign@gop.comHello Greta, Sean and Rush!You have been asking the above question repeatedly since David Letterman maligned Sarah Palin (again) and her daughter(s) this week. The National Organization for Women IS INSOLVENT, according to a highly placed insider. You are missing a trend that has been taking place beneath the surface of American politics since the Democrat primary ended last year; yet you are all aware of the circumstances that led up to it. BECAUSE OF THEIR FAILURE TO SUPPORT ALL WOMEN, N.O.W. AND OTHERS LIKE IT ARE ALL BUT DEFUNCT!Scores of women have abandoned NOW, canceled subscriptions to Ms. Magazine, and stopped contributing to NARAL due to these groups' collective failure to vigorously support Hillary Clinton during the primary – including not standing up to Barack Obama's campaign team and supporters – in spite of the race baiting and thuggery that went on against mostly female supporters in the trenches. Some of these organizations jumped ship and gratuitously endorsed Barack Obama while Hillary Clinton was still in the race: they will never recover from those actions. The unintended consequences go beyond the country's decent into socialism and will impact the far left in ways foreseen and unforeseen.The old-guard women's groups you mention daily are gone. Like you, many moderates and independents now believe the women's groups have strayed from their stated mission of supporting women in the workplace, in their access to healthcare, in politics, and in society in general – and have veered toward the useless and redundant purpose of supporting all far-left liberals, regardless of gender, in every conceivable realm.Moderate women and men alike have also left the Democrat party in droves, never to return. Calling themselves PUMAS, independents, unaffiliated or even newly conservative, this group voted for John McCain after Hillary was given that final heave-ho by Nancy Pelosi during the fake roll call at the sham primary in Denver last August. These voters have been just as disgusted, frustrated, and upset over the way Sarah Palin and her children were treated during the general election as they were at the manner in which Hillary was treated.THE QUESTIONS MEDIA FOLKS SHOULD BE ASKING TODAY REGARDING THE DEFENSE OF WOMEN LIKE SARAH PALIN ARE THESE: WHERE HAVE THE MEMBERS OF, SUBSCRIBERS TO, SUPPORTERS FOR, AND CONTRIBUTORS TO THE MENTIONED ORGANIZATIONS GONE? WHY DID THEY LEAVE? WHAT ORGANIZATIONS ARE REPLACING THEM, IF ANY? WILL THE OLD GROUPS SOON BE RELEGATED TO HISTORY AS FAILURES IN THEIR STATED MISSION OF SUPPORTING ALL WOMEN?Sean, contrary to an oft-repeated example cited in your coverage of the Letterman-Palin conflict, Hillary Clinton and others not on the Obama bandwagon were and are still constantly put through the ringer by the far-left. The Obama Democrats have attacked all but the most radical-leaning women and men in a manner that would never have happened within the Democrat party prior to the Obama Phenomena. The contributing factors to this include the tone of his campaign(s); the fact that he is a mixed-race black-appearing presumably naturalized Kenyan American of Arab descent and Islamic upbringing; and the makeup of his supporters consisting of a combination of socialist-leaning young thugs and low-information racists and, alternatively, "politically correct" and/or secular bigots. (You showed clips of some of these types recently, for example, when you covered Eric Holder's failure to prosecute Black Panthers with billy clubs at a voting booth in Pennsylvania who were there to intimidate John McCain's supporters.)We all know that Sarah Palin has been and continues to be treated badly by the far left. Yet there is evidence that moderate women and their supporters have also suffered at the hands of their former party allies. Countless YouTube videos depict the sexism, mockery, and slandering of Hillary Clinton throughout the primary. There are also numerous testimonies of the brutality inflicted upon her supporters. This includes examples of women and the elderly being shoved, mocked and bullied at the Democrat-run caucuses. One filmmaker, Gigi Gaston, has compiled interviews into an as yet-to-be rolled-out documentary entitled, We Will Not be Silenced; Hillary's own campaign filed a lawsuit – now buried – against the Obama campaign alleging the mistreatment at caucuses as well as fraud. There is also evidence that moderate female supporters of both Hillary and Sarah Palin were bullied and intimidated online: the hacking of emails, the posting of private information and the sabotaging of blogs are just some examples of what women have dealt with who are not part of the far-left agenda. They, too, pleaded for support from NOW and others to no avail; today, they just applaud its imminent demise.In conclusion, feminists in the traditional sense are no longer; the voices supporting women today are mostly conservative women seen on Fox News. They have taken up the mantle for women – and this will help Republicans in 2010 and 2012 if the media make folks aware of the trend.Thank you for all you do.Sincerely,[Listener's Name]Chicago, IL(Proud Home of William Ayers, Bernadine Dorn, Louis Farrakhan, Father Pfleger, Rev. Wright and Rod Blagojevich)That says a great deal. I would urge everyone to continue to write media repeatedly on this issue.And join The Dame to Kick Back at 11 EST on http://blogtalkradio.com/Central-Park-7
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Speaking On the Unspeakable

Also today, Reverend Wright--you remember him, Obama's pastor and spiritual advisor for 17 years--stated in an interview that, "Those Jews won't let me talk to him until he's a lame duck..."
Yes, anti semitism is on the rise throughout the world, with the help of people like Hamas, Jihadists, Black Separatists and lunatic white supremicists, which have always been around, but until recently, had no help from other sectors. It is now more important than ever that we who care about The Right Thing come together and support Israel, support our Constitution, our Country, and our Military, and, as the Danes did so long ago at the Gates of Vienna, keep the enemy at bay. And yet...these days it is a very narrow path between being humanly compassionate and empathetically foolish. As much as I can read the words of Thich Nhat Hanh with admiration and respect, so must I draw the line at treating a murderous terrorist as an American, and according him Geneva Convention rights when he wears no uniform, fights for no flag, and observes no rules. During his raucous and giggly 60 Minutes interview some months back, Mr. SoetorObama stated, "Of COURSE I don't believe in Mirandizing the enemy" as he chortled happily away. But today that, too, was thrown under the bus and our military is now instructed to Mirandize every enemy they take into custody. Today, not just Michael Behenna and Evan Veles, but many other brave, patriotic Americans sit in prisons for doing their job: for fighting the enemy, for doing heroic deeds which would have earned them medals and commendations in Vietnam, Korea and WW II. [Note: General Townsend received Michael's packet today and I urge all to send prayers his way in the hope that Michael will receive either a pardon or a fair trial that includes testimony from the state paid pathologist that exonerates him, and please go to http://defendmichael.com to learn about the case and donate to help pay for his legal fees].
It is all too much for the mind to manage these days, and so I remind us all of the Eastern adage that states that "there is room in the heart for all that the mind cannot handle."
I use that more and more these days. There seems to be little else that helps.
For Those Who Thought They'd Seen It All...

Okay, this, unfortunately, tops today's stories, simply because it is both sad commentary and profound illustration of the direction our country has taken at the hands of the utter and absolute chain of fools that have seized power.

This story is from a Ford Engineer who reports on the type people the Obama Administration is sending to the Auto Industry. I think when you read the story below you will understand that the Obama Administration is full of Uneducated people. Anyone in their right mind would understand the statements made. Yet these people probably voted and, worse yet, one can only surmise for whom they voted.
I recently attended a breakfast meeting where the speaker/guest was David E. Cole, Chairman, Center for Automotive Research (CAR). You have all likely
heard Cole CAR quoted, or referred to in the auto industry news lately.
Mr. Cole, who is an engineer by training, told many stories of the difficulty of working with the folks that the Obama administration has sent to save the auto industry. There have been many meetings where a 30+ year experience automotive expert has to listen to a newcomer to the industry, someone with zero manufacturing experience, zero auto industry experience, zero business experience, zero finance experience, and zero engineering experience, tell them how to run their business.
His favorite story is as follows:
There was a team of Obama people speaking to Mr. Cole (Engineer, automotive experience 40+ years, Chairman of CAR). They were explaining to Mr. Cole that the auto companies needed to make a car that was electric and liquid natural gas (LNG) with enough combined fuel to go 500 miles so we wouldn't "need" so many gas stations (A whole other topic). They were quoting BTU's
of LNG and battery life that they had looked up on some website.
Mr. Cole explained that to do this you would need a trunk FULL of batteries and a LNG tank as big as a car to make that happen and that there were problems related to the laws of physics that prevented them from...
At this point, the Obama person interrupted and said (and I am quoting verbatim here)
"The laws of physics? Whose rules are those, we need to change that."
[As this government schmuck expounded on the topic, some of his cohorts frantically wrote down the “law name” so they could look it up] The Obama person continued:
“We have the congress and the administration. We can repeal that law, amend it, or use an executive order to get rid of that problem. That's why we are here, to fix these sort of issues."
This, folks, is NOT an exaggeration. Recently there was an article about yet another one of this administration's new "appointees", who had ZERO, repeat: ABSOLUTELY ZERO experience in the field he was being charged to oversee.
And there you have it. Pure, unadulterated idiocy, straight from the Top. Lord help us all.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Constitutional Radio Rallies the Republic!
Tuesdays 9 PM EST
As we probe our Nation of Laws
Under the Constitution,
Ask relevant questions & ponder
The world in which we live
Through the wise words of our Founders
Although the Northeast remains covered with clouds and rain, the summer ahead looms large as concerns over our nation's integrity continue to grow. It seems the "Perfect Storm" has begun to converge over our great nation with severe economic issues, suspect motive and integrity in government, a plethora of Constitutional abrogations flying around unchecked, foreign policy at a dangerous crossroads and our troops spread ever thinner across the gaping hole of Asia and the Middle East. [The Middle East actually IS part of Asia but as that is a little known fact, I note it herein]. While the list is all too complicated and too painfully long to complete in a mere blog post, suffice to say that most of us are aware of Trouble Ahead, and Trouble Behind, as the song, "Casey Jones*" says.
Join Drkate and me as we spend another 90 minutes trying to thrash out the issues, put out the news and remind everyone that we ARE a Nation of Laws, based upon the U.S. Constitution, and that THAT--NOT special interests, extremists or comfortable congresspeople-- is the Law of the Land.
*© Robt. Hunter
Sunday, June 7, 2009
The Dame Truth About Michael Behenna

Saturday, June 6, 2009
D-Day Plus 65 Years
Today marks the 65th Anniversary of D-Day, the full scale invasion of allied forces that precipitated the liberation of France and hastened the end of World War II in Europe. Although the ranks of surviving veterans of that incredible invasion thin daily, there are still many, now octogenarians, who gather in commemoration of this day. Their memories of that day and of their comrades will never fade, even after half a century, and our observation and honoring of that day and those heroes remain as tribute to their power of example. Although the words, "Uncommon valor was a common virtue" were said by Admiral Chester Nimitz of Iwo Jima, they apply equally to D-Day, and in fact, all of those brave Americans in combat zones in service of this Republic. These soldiers, marines, sailors and airmen can never be repaid the debt we owe them for their service and for the example they have shown us. Bless them all, living and dead, and protect our troops now engaged in present day combat zones.
It is with conflict that I bring another topic to this page, as I am reluctant to allow the topic below to share space with the topic above, but I feel that it is more incumbent than ever to expose and highlight the sad contrast between those heroes of D-Day and what passes for 21st century executive power. Seized in direct violation of our Constitution's Eligibility Clause, aided and abetted by main stream media's complicity in news suppression, the individual now residing in the same White House as Franklin Delano Roosevelt as he led America through the Second World War is most probably not only an illegal alien, but now an admitted Muslim. Not that there's anything wrong with that...except his refusal to be forthcoming, transparent and abide by the laws of our land and our Constitution, his Taqiyya practice [Taqiyya, or not showing their faith openly by means of pretense, dissimulation, or concealment, is a special type of LYING which is taught and used by Shi'a Muslims, cf. Sunni Muslims and Taqiyya. "Taqiyya" (or taqiyyah) is related to the terms "taqwa'" and "taqi'" - all have the root meaning of "guarding" something, in this case, the Islamic faith] and, of course, complete refusal to share ANY of his life's records would indicate that this is simply NOT the kind of individual who merits respect from a country that has produced a Declaration of Independence, Constitution and D-Day heroes.
It is disturbing indeed, and difficult if not impossible to reconcile two such greatly disparate concepts: being willing to die for one's country as opposed to lying for one's personal agenda.
It boggles the mind, and so I leave you today, D-Day's 65th Anniversary, with some salient words from our wise Logistics Monster, entitled [from the film "Full Metal Jacket"]. "Heads and A$$e$ Wired Together":
Can someone tell Barack Obama that Jeruselam is not ours to give to the Palestinians; that we are at war with islamic jihadist muslims; that the Federal Reserve and the Treasury do not get to make policy; that we SHOULD NOT be apologizing for being Americans; that the POTUS is just that, and not a "citizen of the world"; that Barack Obama does not get to decide which religions get along; that the entities that contribute the most to campaigns do not get to decide which laws get passed; that Latina, or ANY OTHER RACISTS should not be anywhere near positions of power; that We The People have common sense, unlike our non-representative representatives. We are TIRED of these INSANE JUXTIPOSITIONS that this government is involved in.
What else can be said, except Thank you, D-Day heroes, Thank you, American Military [and 2/8 now in Afghanistan], and thank you Logistics Monster, for always coming up with Just The Right Words. We must remember that no ONE individual, no matter how strong the illusion of power, can sully our great nation and the sacrifices of our citizens, both military and civilian. We are a nation that was created by We the People, in order to form a more perfect union* and let us not forget that, not now, not ever.