Resolved, that the Flag of the thirteen United States shall be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the Union be thirteen stars, white on a blue field, representing a new constellation. June 14, 1777, Journals of the Continental Congress.Since 1916, when President Woodrow Wilson issued a presidential proclamation establishing a national Flag Day on June 14, Americans have commemorated the adoption of the Stars and Stripes by celebrating June 14 as Flag Day. Prior to 1916, many localities and a few states had already been celebrating the day. Congressional legislation designating that date as the national Flag Day was signed into law by President Harry Truman in 1949 and called upon the president to issue a flag day proclamation every year.
So fly those flags high, everyone, and remember from whence they came, and what they stand for, lest we forgot as the onslaught of outrage continues. People have died for this flag, and continue to do so nearly every day.
This flag has come to symbolize more than a sovreignty, a Constitution, a Bill of Rights, or a Republic, although it does stand for all those things. It has also come to be a symbol that espouses human rights and eschews fascism, socialism and communism. In that respect, I urge everyone to continue to remain active in protesting CBS and David Letterman's unacceptable attitude toward women and children by going to http://firedavidletterman.com . Once revered and protected [Remember Titanic: "women and children first"], women and children are now fair game for dirty politics, small minded talk show hosts and media people with agenda.
Contact michaelpatrickleahy@gmail.com or twitter him on www.twitter.com/michaelpleahy.
Attend the rally tomorrow in front of the Ed Sullivan theater in N.Y. at 4:30 PM EST and contact the sponsors listed below. Tell them that you, your friends and family will not patronize their products until David Letterman is fired and off the air.
Main number: 212-975-4321
Les Moonves, President and CEO � CBS, 212-975-4545, lmoonves@cbs.com
Nina Tassler, President � CBS Entertainment, 323-575-2747, nina.tassler@cbs.com
Mike Nelson, VP Communications, 818-655-2156, mjnelson@cbs.com
CBS Television Studios
Main number: 212-975-4321
Les Moonves, President and CEO � CBS, 212-975-4545, lmoonves@cbs.com
Nina Tassler, President � CBS Entertainment, 323-575-2747, nina.tassler@cbs.com
Mike Nelson, VP Communications, 818-655-2156, mjnelson@cbs.com
CBS Television Studios
Kim Sartori, Director Communications, 818-655-7221, kim.sartori@cbs.com
Companies who run TV ads during the show
Johnson & Johnson (Listerine and KY Brand)
Main Number: 1-888-222-0182 (Johnson & Johnson Healthcare Products)
Kristina Chang, Public Relations, 973-385-4370, kchang12@conus.jnj.com Steve Schonberg, Edelman PR, 212-704-4494, stephen.schonberg@edelman.com
Old Navy (Parent company is Gap Inc) Main Number: 650-952-4400 Nicole Bender, Public Relations, 415-832-2889, nicole_bender@gap.com
Kellogg�s (Mini-Wheats)
Main Number: 1-800-962-1413 (Consumer Affairs)
Allison Costello, Ketchum PR, 412-456-3741, allison.costello@ketchum.com
Southwest Airlines Main Number: 214-792-4847 (Public Relations)
Gary Kelly, CEO, 214-792-4000, gary.kelly@wnco.com
Ginger Hardage, SVP Culture & Communications, 214-792-6924, ginger.hardage@wnco.com
Linda Rutherford, VP Communications, 214-792-4625, linda.rutherford@wnco.com
Olive Garden
Main Number: 1-800-331-2729 (Guest Relations)
John Caron, Executive VP Marketing, jcaron@olivegarden.com
Grey Advertising (their ad agency), 212-546-2083
Other National Advertisers:
June 11 -Touchstone Pictures (Disney), Samsung, T-Mobile, Microsoft, Chase Bank, Pfizer (Zyrtec), Wyeth (Centrum Vitamins), Ford, Lexus, Mazda and Saturn (in addition to several of the above)
June 10 � DirecTV, MetLife, Amica, AT&T, Samsung, Verizon, Chase Bank, Aventis (Actonel), Merck (Pepcid), Pfizer (Zyrtec), Wyeth (Centrum Vitamins), Honda, Kia, Lexus, Lincoln and Toytota (in addition to several of the above)
Cabela�s, Home Depot, Crate & Barrel, Neiman Marcus (details coming)
Lancome (Parent company is L�Oreal)
Carol Hamilton, President � Luxury Products, chamilton@us.loreal.com
Rebecca Caruso, Public Relations, 212-984-4894, rcaruso@us.loreal.com
Suzie Davidowitz, Public Relations, 212-984-4105, sdavidowitz@us.loreal.com
John Frieda (Kao Brands)
Main Number: 513-421-1400 or 800-521-3189
Lee-Ann Silver, Public Relations, 203-353-5100, leeann.silver@kaobrands.com
Electronic Arts
Main Number: 650-628-1500
David Tinson, Director Communications, 650-628-5189, dtinson@ea.com
Jen Riley, PR Manager, 604-456-5081, jriley@ea.com
M&M�s (Mars Candy)
Main Number: 800-627-7852 (confections), 800-696-6788 (m&m�s)
Paul S. Michaels, President, paul.michaels@effem.com
Michele Kessler, VP Mars Snackfood US, michele.kessler@effem.com
Ryan Bowling, Media Relations, 908-850-2396, ryan.bowling@effem.com
Best Western
UPDATE: Best Western Continues to insist that they do not advertise on Letterman. The fact is, Best Western authorized someone to create banner ads and pay for their placement on the CBS.com website; as a result, they are showing up on the Late Show�s pages (I have screen shots of two different ads from multiple days this week). If
Best Western is unhappy with the negative publicity, perhaps they should not advertise online via CBS.
Main Number: 602-957-4200
Bonnie McPeake, Chairwoman, bonnie.mcpeake@bestwestern.com
Troy Rutman, Public Relations, 602-957-5668, troy.rutman@bestwestern.com
Main Number: 408-376-7400
John Donahoe, President & CEO, jdonahoe@ebay.com
Alan Marks, SVP Corporate Communications, amarks@ebay.com
Joe Mallabo, Media Relations, 408-376-7458, jmallabo@ebay.com
Tammy Cyphert, Director Intel Americas, tammy.l.cyphert@intel.com
Nancy Bhagat, VP Marketing, nancy.bhagat@intel.com
Bill Mueller, Public Affairs Manager, william.h.mueller@intel.com
Mark Templin, CEO, Lexus, mark_templin@toyota.com
Bill Ussery, PR Manager, 310-468-3282, bill_ussery@toyota.com
Julie Alfonso, Public Relations, 310-468-4625, julie_alfonso@toyota.com
Greg Thome, Public Relations, 310-468-3279, greg_thome@toyota.com
Craig Taguchi, Public Relations, 310-468-3282, craig_taguchi@toyota.com<
Capital One
UPDATE: A commenter on Hillbuzz states that Capitol One is trying to remove their ads
Steve Schoof, Public Relations, 972-295-1676, stephen.schoof@capitalone.com
Tatiana Stead, Media Relations, 703-720-2352, tatiana.stead@capitalone.com
Julie Rakes, Media Relations, 804-284-5800, julie.rakes@capitalone.com
Diana Don, Media Relations, 212-580-0161, diana.don@capitalone.com
Embassy Suites
UPDATE: Ms. Ray states the company has pulled their ads from CBS.com websites
John Lee, VP Brand Marketing and Communications, john.lee@hilton.com
Dawn Ray, Public Relations, 901-374-5954, dawn.ray@hilton.com
Thanks to everyone, and thanks to Betsy Ross and our Framers, and to all those who have sacrificed for our Flag and our Country. Thanks to all who continue to work to make it all it should be, and to preserve and protect it from enemies within and without.
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